Ketuba (Jewish Marriage Agreement)

from $260.00

The Ketuba is the document where the Groom accepts the resposibility to take care of all of his Bride's needs. The Sages ask how is it possible for a human to fulfill all of the needs of another person? This seems like a G-dly feat. They answer that when a person makes a promise, they get the assistance from the Creator to fulffill that promise.

17x22 ink on parchment

Print (Only Names and Date/Location Handwritten):
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The Ketuba is the document where the Groom accepts the resposibility to take care of all of his Bride's needs. The Sages ask how is it possible for a human to fulfill all of the needs of another person? This seems like a G-dly feat. They answer that when a person makes a promise, they get the assistance from the Creator to fulffill that promise.

17x22 ink on parchment

The Ketuba is the document where the Groom accepts the resposibility to take care of all of his Bride's needs. The Sages ask how is it possible for a human to fulfill all of the needs of another person? This seems like a G-dly feat. They answer that when a person makes a promise, they get the assistance from the Creator to fulffill that promise.

17x22 ink on parchment

Binyamin takes his time to meditate on this holy piece made to perfection and for display. Approximately 17”x22”

Pocket Size Neshama with Your Hebrew Name
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Shema Yisrael or other Prayers
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Bookmark Size Personalized Quote
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Group of Personalized Quotes
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Personalized Quote in Hebrew (Print)
from $36.00